Writing Prompt for PSI-Abroad Application

On the Pushkin Summer Institute Abroad in Daugavpils, Latvia, all of the American participants are matched with a Russian-speaking tutor their own age for additional conversation practice.


In Russian, write a one-page letter to Саша, your potential peer tutor [you decide if Саша is short for Александр or Александра; it’s up to you].

Introduce yourself and tell them about your interests, your family and community, or whatever you feel might give your friend some information about yourself and help them engage with you when you arrive.

Be sure to include an appropriate greeting and closing for your letter.


Please do not have the letter corrected by another person. This writing sample should represent your own, independent work. You are NOT allowed to use any online sources or translators such as Google translate.

Use your full name to label the document in the following format: “(LastName)_(FirstName)_WritingSample”.

Submit your letter with your UW-Madison Application or email your document to psi@creeca.wisc.edu.