Financial Aid

How much will the PSI program cost me as a student?

Students pay no tuition or fees to participate in the PSI program.  Students should only bring spending money if they wish to make any personal purchases (souvenirs, snacks, etc).

How much will the PSI program cost participating high schools?

The PSI program is funded in part through monies from participating institutions.  The level of support from participating high schools is based on the number of students they send to study in the PSI program.  Funds from participating high schools are used to support the costs of transportation to and from Madison, housing, meals, and extracurricular activities for their students.

What other funding sources does the PSI program have?

The PSI program is also funded through subsidies from the Wisconsin Center for Pushkin Studies, the Vilas Trust, the Mellon Foundation, the UW-Madison College of Letters and Science, and STARTALK. In 2015, the National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) granted the PSI funds to hold the PSI-Abroad Program. NSLI-Y is funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau for Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by American Councils for International Education. The Pushkin Summer Institute-Abroad is fully funded by NSLI-Y. Grant money allows the PSI to provide quality instruction, create exciting cultural and college prep workshops, and ensure a positive experience for participating students.

How can I help support the PSI program?

If you are interested in supporting the efforts of the Pushkin Summer Institute to continue to provide a quality, intensive college preparatory experience see