Do I need to arrange my own transportation to UW-Madison for the summer session?

No.  All transportation to and from your home city at the beginning and end of the program will be arranged in coordination between participating high schools and the PSI program.

Where will I stay during the PSI program?

All program participants will stay in Kronshage Hall in the Lakeshore Dorms of UW-Madison (http://www.housing.wisc.edu/kronshage).  You will have one roommate; roommate pairings will be assigned by participating high schools.  Each air-conditioned room includes twin beds with bed linens and pillows, mini-fridges, desks with desk chairs, and shared bathroom facilities.  Floor lounges include televisions; a computer lab on the lower level is available for class activities and homework.  Laundry machines are located in the lower level of Kronshage Hall.  Meals will take place in the Dejope Hall Four Lakes Market (http://www.housing.wisc.edu/dining/fourlakes), which provides a variety of youth-friendly and healthy selections, including vegetarian options.  For more information about residence hall policies and services, please visit www.housing.wisc.edu/summer_conferences.

What is my class schedule like?

Russian classes will take place Monday through Friday for four hours each day.  Classes will be held in Van Hise hall and be led by PSI instructors.  Each Wednesday there will be an additional lecture led by Prof. David Bethea on the life and works of Aleksandr Pushkin.  On the remaining days, after Russian classes there will either be a workshop on aspects of Russian culture or a practicum on building skills for college.  Weekday evenings the resident counselors will lead study hall / tutorial sessions in the dorms.

Will I have any free time?

Yes.  Part of the experience is learning how to manage and account for your time.  Though most of your weekdays involve planned and scheduled program activities, free time (with sign-out) is part of every day.  Most Saturdays we will have group excursions, but in general on the weekends you will have more flexible time.

May I go home on the weekends or have visitors?

Students are required to stay on campus for the duration of the program.  Exceptions may be made in case of a documented emergency.  With prior approval from PSI staff, family members may visit during the program on the weekends.  Approved visitors should arrange their own transportation and lodging; visitors are not allowed in the dorms.